With overall dexterity at project management, EnviroKinecs, Inc. has excelled at providing client & agency representation, program coordination, and project fidelity from a team-focus perspective.
Overall, EnviroKinecs, Inc. also provides project site and supply
management services for cleaning and evaluation of the large sewer line projects. We developed supplemental coordination capacity and skills to facilitate housing for out-of-town project staff, traffic maintenance, safety protocols, project signage, cleaning schedules, and coordinating with
various state and federal agencies.
Our Team has managed consultant studies and coordinated a host of implementation plans for the East of the River Development Zones in Washington, D.C., including a major commercial development on Naylor Road in the Southeast. He has recently been credentialed on City of Evansville’s Program Management Team with:
- The Water and Sewer Utility (EWSU).
​- Jacobsville Redevelopment Neighborhood Plan with
Rundell Ernstberger Associates.
Recently, we achieved a laudable level of success on several stormwater management plans and for developing environmental standards for these projects. Nonetheless, what matters more is our intimate understanding of what success looks like for clients; like the Evansville Water and Sewer Utility (EWSU).

| DUNS 803446082; INDOT DBE - 5.11E, & CAGE - INF95
Photo Credit: Courtesy of James A. Mosley
We provide lead-based paint inspections, assessments & clearances,
Phase 1 & 2 Environmental Site Assessments, NEPA, Category Exclusions,
and ensure environmental project compliance.
We promote sustainable communities through green infrastructure, alternative energy upgrades, complete streets, community cohesion and connectivity studies, residential energy efficiency audits & home energy conservation workshops. One of our career highlights is in establishing a U.S. EPA-funded state-of-the-art Environmental Justice Resource Center with linkages to national organizations and networks. The center included an Environmental Justice Enrichment component, with the capacity to compile and track sustainability indicators for storage in the database.
We research & draft NEPA/Category Exclusions baseline studies for federal
& state highway Environmental Impact Statements. Here, we conducted Environmental Justice evaluations on proposed highway route alternatives as required by NEPA and Categorical Exclusion guidelines.
As evidenced by our recent work with Evansville Water and Sewer Utility (EWSU) Green Infrastructure (GI) Guidance Manual, EnviroKinecs Inc. is intimately familiar with all sorts of sustainable green infrastructure incentives. We also take advantage of outlined incentives expanding these
to all other sectors, including nonprofit meeting rooms, and beyond.
On top of initiating high-level planning documentation for the zoning overlay district, we continue to actively promote Green Infrastructure to our clients. Most recently, we provided weekly construction stormwater general permit monitoring and administrative assistants to the EWSU's Storage Basin and Capacity Expansion projects with Kokosing Industrial. We also coordinated a Green Infrastructure Senior Design Project with University of Evansville and Evansville’s Memorial Community Development Corporation, where the Eco-Aces Engineering Team, developed & presented solutions for the CDC’s runoff and flooding issues.
| NAICS: 541620 - Environmental Consulting Services
541690 - Energy Consulting Services
541350 - Energy Efficiency Inspection
Photo Courtesy of James Mosley
EnviroKinecs, Inc. coordinates environmental and planning initiatives
for municipal projects, as well as those that include land use planning,
urban, watershed and baseline studies for transportation projects.
Just as we did for the Anacostia Watershed Restoration Work Plan for
the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin; and the Watts Branch Tributary Action Agenda for the Chesapeake Bay Program,
we were privileged to contribute to the Ohio River Watershed Workshops
for Evansville & Jeffersonville, Indiana.
We also did the following:
- We prepared, amended, and implemented plans for Wards Six and
Seven of the District of Columbia;
- Prepared reports to the Board of Zoning Adjustment for special
exceptions and variances to the zoning regulations;
- Managed consultant studies and determined implementation
plans for the East of the River Development Zones;
- Coordinated public/private task force for the Skyland Area
Revitalization Project. The project resulted in roadway/infrastructure redesign, new major commercial development, and facade treatment
for existing businesses. We also assisted with the land use and planning for the Pigeon Creek Greenway Passage hikers/bikers' trail;
- We're currently consulting on the Walnut Street Improvement (multi-modal) project in Evansville, Indiana.

| NAICS: 925120- Urban Planning, & Government
Photo Credit: Alex Morgan Imaging
EnviroKinecs Inc., Incorporated has always excelled at bringing diverse groups of stakeholders and communities together to address issues of common importance; to solve complex quandaries, and shared problems. To this end, we apply a mix of skills, technology, and expertise to ensure meaningful public participation in all of the planning activities in which we are involved.
One of our biggest strengths is our hands-on experience at working with,
and in supporting, leaders & decision-makers as these seek to better-understand perspectives, opinions, and concerns of their respective citizenry. Here, EnviroKinecs, Inc.'s public engagement methods go beyond the usual mold so as to include community members whose voices may have, traditionally, been left out politics and policy debates.
Employing collaborative processes to foster consensus across social, economic and ethnic lines, we utilize existing mass media channels, special publications, distribution lists, public exhibits, focus groups, town hall and community meetings & workshops, charrettes, and focus group meetings.
Our charrette facilitation services include extensive research and analysis use interdisciplinary and collaborative techniques that strengthen project outcomes, promote trust, and enhance ownership of planning, development or design processes.

| NAICS: 541820 - Public Relations Consulting
541840 - Media Representative
Photo Credit: Courtesy of James A. Mosley